A project created by Ambo Studios for the BWxD networking event. BWxD is a design conference bringing experts in the fields of science, design, philosophy and more to speak on the campus of Brown University and RISD.
Our prompt was to create an engaging and fun installation that would promote conversation, let people learn about the conference, and create an exciting point of interest throughout the night.
The project was broken up into three parts. The first was a main menu, comprising of a 30,000 particle physics demo, allowing attendees to throw tiny particles across the screen, and interact virtually with a series of BWxD's 3d logos.
The Second part involved a virtual world where each presenter of the conference was given their own icon. Attendees could flip through the various icons, learning a bit about each speaker, and inspiring them to see a few new lectures they otherwise may not have known about.
The third part involved an interface where users could learn the meaning behind Blocks, Bytes, and Bars - The conference's logo and theme for the year.